Envision a Smoke-Free Future with Pelago on World No Tobacco Day

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For Employers
3 min read


Substance Use Management for a Healthier, Happier You!

May 31, 2024, marks World No Tobacco Day 2024. Organized by the World Health Organization (WHO), this global event serves to inform the public about the dangers of using tobacco and the importance of quitting to help people live healthier lives.

Everyone knows smoking is bad. Bad for health, bad for employers, and bad for the environment. It’s also very costly for employers as well as individuals. Tobacco is the number one cause of preventable death and costs employers an estimated $3,598 per year.

World No Tobacco Day also marks a great time to inform and educate smokers in your workforce about the chance for a healthy, smoke-free future with Pelago substance use management. Aligned with this year’s no tobacco day theme of protecting children, Pelago’s substance use treatment for tobacco also covers adolescents and young adults (age 15 – 26) on their parents’ or guardians’ healthcare & benefit plans.

As we observe World No Tobacco Day, it’s crucial to recognize the role of digital health in combating tobacco use, particularly among children and teenagers who are most vulnerable to online marketing.

Pelago’s Role in Tobacco Cessation

At Pelago, we leverage cutting-edge digital health tools to empower individuals to quit smoking. Our approach is rooted in accessibility and personalization, offering support that extends beyond traditional methods. Here are key ways Pelago is making a difference:

  1. Digital Accessibility: With the widespread use of smartphones and digital devices, Pelago provides easy access to quitting resources through our app. This digital approach helps users to engage with smoking cessation tools seamlessly in their daily lives.
  2. Personalized Support: Understanding that each individual’s journey is unique, Pelago offers tailored interventions. Our platform uses data-driven insights to provide personalized guidance and support, enhancing the likelihood of successful quitting.
  3. Educational Resources: Pelago is committed to educating users about the dangers of tobacco use. By providing valuable information, we empower individuals to make informed decisions about their health.
  4. Innovative Tools: Utilizing technology such as AI and machine learning, Pelago enhances user interactions and support mechanisms. These tools help in creating a more engaging and effective quitting process.

Outcomes, Cost Savings, and Guaranteed ROI with SUD-First Care

As we observe World No Tobacco Day 2024, let us renew our commitment to ending tobacco use and protecting future generations. With Pelago’s innovative digital health solutions, we are poised to make a significant impact in the fight against tobacco. Join us in creating a smoke-free future by embracing the theme of World No Tobacco Day 2024.

In addition to addressing alcohol, opioids, tobacco, and cannabis – the top four drivers of SUD costs –  Pelago offers care coordination for certain mental health conditions and has demonstrated our program’s effectiveness through peer-reviewed studies and a randomized controlled trial. This approach has resulted in impressive outcomes, including a 52 percent verified tobacco quit rate at four weeks, a 62 percent abstinence rate or drinking below safe limits after three months for alcohol, and a 67 percent opioid abstinence rate at 90 days.

If your benefits team or health plan is looking for ways to significantly decrease the direct and hidden costs of employee substance use, including tobacco use, contact us for a free claims analysis and ask about our 100% of fees-at-risk ROI guarantee.

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